Ancient Origins Astrology School
Your Celestial Compass for Evolutionary Awakening
A 5 week odyssey with Jacqui Lalita
March 20 - April 17, 2025

Dear Ancient Time Traveler,
It is my great joy to share with you one of the most incredible wisdom paths on my journey, that of evolutionary astrology. This sacred language can help us understand and embrace our unique personal and collective destiny. The precise positioning of the cosmos when we first entered this world allows us to see certain imprints that influence our ways of relating to life, as well as our greatest gifts and opportunities for healing and transformation.
Across time, many wisdom cultures around the world from the Dogon tribe to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the Incans to the Mayans were all students of the stars, studying the effects of planetary forces upon the Earth. Awe-inspiring golden temples were erected according to the constellations, and the wise ones understood that we were inextricably linked to this remarkable celestial choreography.
In these times of great turning, a deeper understanding of astrology can bring tremendous clarity into our everyday life, inspiring deeper self-love, fortifying relationships, strengthening physical vitality, clearing old karma, and aligning us with our soul purpose. We are an intricate part of an unfathomable grace, and this grace is here to assist us every step of the way.
I look forward to this delicious dance through the stars together, and kindling these ancient teachings so that we may embody even more magic, radiance and wild wisdom.

Hereā€™s What Youā€™ll Receive in the Ancient Origins Astrology Training:

Register Now for Ancient Origins Astrology School
About Your Guide
My journey with astrology began almost 20 years ago while teaching on St John Island in the Caribbean. The great astrologer M Kelley Hunter and I stood under a night sky strewn with stars as she shared the mythology of the constellations and I became so enraptured with this wild spiraling galaxy we call home that my entire perspective of everyday life rose to a place of sheer awe.
My desire to learn and speak this language of the cosmos grew and I spent many fireside nights with astrologer friends speaking of the 12 houses, Jupiter’s good fortune, Saturn’s stern teachings and Venus’ benevolent grace.
I humbly studied and self-taught for many years and have since been blessed to read hundreds of charts for friends and clients over the past 15 years. Helping people understand their unique place in the cosmos and how to embody this cosmic energy in physical form is one of my great passions. In my Wild Wisdom School, I lead 6 month herbal apprenticeships and bridge the ancient wisdom paths of herbalism and astrology so that we may embody the wise teachings of the plants and planets.

What People Are Saying:

Lisa V California
I look forward to my annual reading with Jacqui every year. She is fully spot on every time and blows my mind. The only astrologer I know who is able to break it down in a way that makes so much sense. I’ve taken some of her courses and she is a natural born teacher who makes every class fascinating.

Tami F. Alaska
Jacqui is a wild woman astrologer, weaving together stories of the stars along with the plant medicines, helping fellow sisters on the path remember who they are and how to use this ancient system to contemplate their own awakening. Jacqui is a gift from the Goddess and I love the way she walks with such beauty and grace in this world. What a gift to receive a reading or to get to take classes with this beautiful wise woman. Jacqui shares from her heart, her unique talents, with those who seek to bring greater joy and balance to our lives.

Wendy W, New Mexico
I have been an ongoing student of Jacqui's since my 1st dance Detox In 2020 and I completed both Herbalism apprenticeships and astrology study. All I can say is it is changed my life. The knowledge and inspiration I have gained from these classes has helped me remove so many fears and blockages in my spirit that I have been able to realize my dream. So I quit my job, got a new one, and I moved across the country to a city I never been to, and bought a house that I had never seen. I couldn't be happier. Jacqui supports each student's individual path and desires and we form a sisterhood in each class that is so nurturing. The tools and knowledge you gain from these classes will guide and support you for the rest of your life; don't miss an opportunity to learn from a truly divine teacher, I only wish I had started sooner.

Julie Campione
Jacqui holds an incredible amount of planetary wisdom and I loved how we found herbs to correlate with the planets. I had very basic level knowledge of my birth chart going into the course and came out of the course not only gaining knowledge of how to read my own chart and planetary transits but also a deeper understanding of each planets wisdom and attributes it carries. I highly recommend Jacqui as an astrology guide and teacher as she makes it fun and the energy of each class is lovely!!