One on One Astrology Consultations

The Great Mystery that spirals galaxies is always conspiring for your greatest good, rooting for the highest unfoldment of your soul to fulfill its purpose here on Earth.   Astrology provides an incredible road map of our soul’s lessons and cycles and reminds us that we are part of an extraordinary grace, and this grace is here to assist us every step of the way. 

In these times of great turning, understanding your current astrological transits and the gifts and opportunities they present can help you harness the cosmic energies as wind in your sail. 

All one on one sessions are offered via zoom from anywhere in the world and recorded for immediate download. 

To Schedule an Astrology Consultation with Jacqui, simply book your session you’d like and an email will be sent to you to schedule a time that works best for you.

Natal Chart & Current/Upcoming Transits Reading

One Hour - $250

Your personal planetary and house placements, significant aspects,  special gifts, and what it all means to you, including current significant transits and upcoming transits for the year ahead, soul empowerment, and time for you to ask questions during session. 


Couple's Composite & Synastry Charts

90 Minutes - $333

One of my greatest passion's resides in helping couples understand relationship dynamics and ways to deepen and heal in love together.  Two people's charts create their own unique composite chart which can be a deeply valuable tool for understanding certain gifts and challenges inherent in each relationship.  This reading includes both a couple's composite chart reading, as well as a synastry reading, and some significant points from each individual chart and progressed composite.


Astrocartography (Locational Astrology)

45 Minutes - $188 

If you’re considering a move to somewhere new or wondering about the energies where you currently reside or are considering traveling to, Astrocartography offers insights into the unique planetary lines across the latitudes. We’ll look into all of the places on your list and consult your natal chart to see how the particular planets are aspected in your chart, and how you might experience them in a given place.


What People Are Saying:

Lisa V California

I look forward to my annual reading with Jacqui every year. She is fully spot on every time and blows my mind. The only astrologer I know who is able to break it down in a way that makes so much sense. I’ve taken some of her courses and she is a natural born teacher who makes every class fascinating.

Julie Campione

Jacqui holds an incredible amount of planetary wisdom and I loved how we found herbs to correlate with the planets. I had very basic level knowledge of my birth chart going into the course and came out of the course not only gaining knowledge of how to read my own chart and planetary transits but also a deeper understanding of each planets wisdom and attributes it carries. I highly recommend Jacqui as an astrology guide and teacher as she makes it fun and the energy of each class is lovely!!

Tami F. Alaska

Jacqui is a wild woman astrologer, weaving together stories of the stars along with the plant medicines, helping fellow sisters on the path remember who they are and how to use this ancient system to contemplate their own awakening.  Jacqui is a gift from the Goddess and I love the way she walks with such beauty and grace in this world.  What a gift to receive a reading or to get to take classes with this beautiful wise woman.  Jacqui shares from her heart, her unique talents,  with those who seek to bring greater joy and balance to our lives. 

Wendy W, New Mexico

I have been an ongoing student of Jacqui's since my 1st dance Detox In 2020 and I completed both Herbalism apprenticeships and astrology study.   All I can say is it is changed my life.  The knowledge and inspiration I have gained from these classes has helped me remove so many fears and blockages in my spirit  that I have been able to realize my dream. So I quit my job, got a new one,  and I  moved across the country to a city I never been to, and bought a house that I had never seen.  I couldn't be happier.  Jacqui supports each student's individual path and desires and we form a sisterhood in each class that is so nurturing. The tools and knowledge you gain from these classes will guide and support you for the rest of your life; don't miss an opportunity to learn from a truly divine teacher, I only wish I had started sooner.