22 Day Dance, Detox & Digestive Reset

With Jacqui Lalita

June 21- July 13, 2025


Beautiful One

What if you could wake up each day feeling completely vivacious in your body? Can you imagine glowing with vibrancy, wellbeing, and inspiration? Picture yourself fully embodied in your sensuality and feminine energy, pain-free, clear, inspired and radiating vitality.

I truly believe good health and sensuous embodiment can be yours and I have created this 22 Day Dance, Detox & Digestive Reset to dance, heal, cleanse and nourish ourselves together as we savor the exquisite feeling of being fully alive and connected to our power. You will be supported in releasing old toxins and resetting your digestion while nourishing your feminine embodiment and vitality.

I want you to love the miracle that is your body and to respect this holy temple so it will serve you well for years to come. Through movement, meditation, wellness recipes, detox inspirations and life-changing knowledge on gut health and herbal protocols to support this, I believe that you will feel simply AMAZING through this journey. This entire program is offered online so there is no need to travel anywhere. The classes will be there waiting for you to do anytime of the day that works for you, so even if your schedule is busy you can be a part of this.

Why Dance?

Iʼve taught dance to thousands of women around the world over the years and Iʼve witnessed how movement can restore balance to our bodies, minds, and spirits. Across time and space many cultures of people have danced in celebration of life. To dance is to feel the holy breath of the Divine moving through us and surrender again and again to the pure joy within. Dance is medicine.

In The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Path of Warrior, Healer, teacher and visionary, author Angeles Arrien writes:

“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions:

When did you stop dancing?
When did you stop singing?
When did you stop being enchanted by stories?
When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves”

I truly believe there is a dancer inside of ALL women, even if youʼve never danced in your life. Maybe you used to dance as a childand itʼs been years. Or perhaps dance is already a huge inspiration for you and you cravemore. Maybe youʼre bored with in-home workouts and are ready to try something new. The 22 Day Dance, Detox & Digestive Reset is for You!

Why Detox?

These are highly transformative times heralding in a new way of soul-centered being that is life affirming. In order to fully align with the radiant health, abundance, love and inspiration that is our divine inheritance, it is necessary we clear out what is dead and diseased inside of us, both metaphorically and physically. 

We can detox ourselves in many ways through cleansing our bodies with pure foods and herbs helping us shed excess weight and restore our digestive tracts and PH.
We can also cleanse through detoxifying ourselves of negative thought patterns stale emotions and bad habits that might be holding us back.  We can take a “digital detox” one day a week or for 12 hours of everyday to get outdoors with loved ones and take a break from phone and computer screens. We can eliminate toxic chemicals from our homes and skin care products and provide great relief to our bodies and the planet.  We can reinvigorate our connection to the living Earth by walking barefoot and meditating on the grass or sands in a practice known as “earthing” that allows healing frequencies to re-balance us to the healing rhythms of nature.  The 22 Day Dance Detox combines elements of all of these inviting you to choose your own pace and replace toxic daily habits with new ones that nourish and inspire you.

Why Digestive Reset?

Our gut microbiome is our immune system and our greatest line of defense against pathogens and virus.  Imbalances in our microbiome are so common these days and this can lead to weakened immunity, poor assimilation of nutrients,  candida, anxiety, and depression.  90% of our serotonin is produced in our intestines, so if you'd like to evoke more feel good endorphins, it is so important to optimize gut health.

Chronic inflammation, leaky gut and poor elimination can wreak havoc on our vitality.  Through the targeted integration of healing, restorative herbs for the belly, cleansing and nourishing foods, and movement and meditation practices, we can "reset" our digestion back to its original divine blueprint and help heal repair of imbalance, stagnation and depletion.  In these times when so many are seeking stronger immune systems and a deeper connection to the joy within, healing our gut and fine tuning our digestion is an incredible place to focus our energies for long-lasting results.

Gentle Cleansing While Still Eating

This is not a juice fast. Throughout these 22 days,  youʼll still be able to enjoy the sensuous pleasures of eating. Our focus will be on adding in more nourishing blends soups, plant-based dishes, nutrient-dense treats and delicious herbal elixirs to support us in this change of the seasons. Itʼs up to you how much you wish to detoxify. Some may choose to not miss any meals, and others may opt to replace one meal a day with a nourishing green soup or protein smoothie. Either way I am here cheering you on.

The other layer of detox is working with emptying ourselves of toxic thoughts and behaviors that sabotage us. Through this journey we will be working with the body, mind, heart and soul to let go and let more magic into our lives. You wonʼt feel deprived and youʼll still be able to indulge in the sensuous pleasure of eating.

Here is everything youʼll get when you enroll in the 22 Day Dance, Detox & Digestive Reset:

  • Prep Video & Resource List to Get You Started
  • Sacred Healing Dance Class Replays in Library to Choose from
  • Classes on Healing the Belly & Herbal Allies for Gut Health, Plus Q & A
  • A Gut Healing Herbal Protocol by Jacqui incorporating some of the worldʼs greatest herbal allies for gastrointestinal health
  • Video tutorial library of superfood detox recipes (so delicious and easy!)
  • Short pre-recorded dance and movement classes to help you stay committed to your “dance sadhana”
  • Wellness Inspirations emailed to you each day of our journey
  • Emotional detox tips to clear out the old and make room for the new
  • Nourishing nightcap recipes and meditations to help lull you into deep sleep
  • Potent techniques for moving stagnant energy that can bring lifelong results
  • BONUS #1: My personal medicinal raw chocolate recipes sent to your inbox :)
  • BONUS #2: Kundalini yoga activation class for Vitality with Kia Miller

Maria T, Florida

I wanted to tell you that your Dance and Detox program changed my life and got me fully on track to feeling fantastic after years of struggling. I am still making your amazing recipes every week and my husband is even a believer in health now after seeing my transformation and tasting how good healthy meals can be. Thank you for all the wisdom and inspiration you shared with us. Can't wait for the next one!

During these 22 days you may experience:

  • the joy and sensuality of belly dance for awakening feminine energy
  • A freedom and opening of your hips and heart
  • A cleansing of your body that leaves you glowing
  • invigoration and increase in energy
  • deep, rejuvenating sleep
  • healing of gastrointestinal issues and better elimination
  • Digestive reset that will help you better assimilate nutrients from food
  • a toning of muscles and increased flexibility and strength
  • a sense of wonder and awe at how GOOD you can feel
  • a deepening of self-confidence and self-love
  • inspiration to live a healthy life and keep dancing
  • a letting go of that which is no longer serving you to make room for the new
  • FUN and appreciation for the simple pleasure of dancing from your heart
  • a peaceful calm within your mind and an expansive awareness of your spirit
  • LOVE and appreciation for the miracle of your body

What People Are Saying:

I felt so limber, free, open and strong at the end of our 22 days together. I also felt a profound sense of Peace, Completion and Wholeness and the Alchemy of this journey to me is beyond words. This has been such a time of Service to Our Light,Truth and Unique Divine Feminine Goddess within Us! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You... Precious Teacher and Sage Femme!

~ Maureen Dwyer, Vermont

“You are giving us an incredible amount of content in this beautiful Dance & Detox Challenge and I'm so very grateful! The recipes, herbs and a great probiotic are already healing a recent bout of digestive distress, YAY!”

~ Callie P, New Hampshire

Thank you again for this incredible journey. I am so happy that i decided last minute to join.You are so inspring and i really enjoy listening to you and your knowledge.

~ Johanna C, Sweden

You are an absolute delight, Jacqui!! I can see your contagious smile as I read this and feel your beautiful energy! I am already missing our dancing circle! I can’t tell you how much joy those 22 days of dancing were!! The release was real!! Thank you for sharing your gift and for being the beautiful soul that you are!!

~ Charlie McKnight

I wanted to thank you again for this beautiful course! I feel like I've learned movements and knowledge of herbs/foods with delicious recipes that I will take with me throughout life. I can feel my hips opening each time I dance as you taught us, which has been a huge part of my healing journey - the opening of my hips and root/sacral/solar plexus chakras. And what a great workout the dance is! I have been incorporating many of the gut-healing recipes/foods and herbal infusions into my day-to-day - gut healing has been another big part of my healing journey.

Thank you for this work you do in the world, and for your beautiful energy & wisdom! I will definitely be joining the Dance & Detox again if you have another!

~ Caitlin deLahunta

The freedom dance yesterday in the Dance & Detox was absolutely incredible. I woke up this morning thinking about it. Thank you again.

~ Susan Haebler

Thank you for always sending us SOOO much goodness. This course has been incredible. You are an angel with how present and resourceful you are to us on the daily.

~ Jayne Archer

Jacqui you make dance such great medicine, you really do. My body transforms within an hour of your dancing. Thank you!

~ Lish Kroll

What A BEAUTIFUL class today in the Dance & Detox. My lungs felt filled with light and healthy doses of movement which I have not felt into as much since my lung surgery. Blessings to you!

~ Angela

Reserve Your Space Now for the 22 Day Dance, Detox & Digestive Reset!

Choose to pay either the full payment of $222 or $125 to hold your space and the 2nd payment in two weeks

SIGN ME UP! (PayPal full payment of $222)

SIGN ME UP! (PayPal 2 installments of $125)

About Your Guide

Jacqui Lalita is a dancer, herbalist, wellness & vibrant lifestyle mentor committed to helping women feel amazing in their bodies.   She is the founder of the Wild Wisdom School of Earth Medicine & Embodiment, where she leads 6 month online trainings into herbalism and plant spirit healing.  She has led workshops and retreats around the world and is the star of the Element Belly Dance DVD and the author of two books of poetry. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Miami where her healing odyssey into yoga, meditation, belly dance, herbalism, and nutrition blossomed. After college she traveled the world teaching ethnic and devotional dance as a path of healing and studying herbalism and wellness practices from many cultures. She is a fervent believer in the bodyʼs ability to heal itself and is passionate about sharing her knowledge of herbalism, regenerative healing, and sacred feminine wisdom with others.

Upon receipt of payment a welcome letter will be sent with details.I look forward to sharing a beautiful, inspiring, healing journey with you!

Love, Jacqui